a loving family

Born in a family of 10 children, 7 boys and 3 girls, Gennie’s family home was always buzzing. She was a bit of a ‘tomboy’ at some point, having been the 1st girl to be born after 4 boys, and the only girl for 10 years.

Through several of her siblings and their spouses, “Aunty Gennie” has 6 nieces and 7 nephews living both at home and abroad. By extension, she has 6 great grand nieces and nephews.

Big Sister Gennie

Gennie was the doting big sister to her younger siblings. As children they called her “sister Gennie” and as they matured into adulthood, they called her Gennie. It was no secret how much she loved her siblings as she always spoke highly of them.

Gennie and her "Daughtersss"

Nothing gave Gennie more pleasure than to speak about her “daughterrrsss” (a word only Gennie could pronounce). Many of her life choices and countless sacrifices were for her precious girls. She had a different level of love and pride when it came to them.

Gennie the Grandmother

Genevieve was a proud Grandmother who interacted with her grandchildren with great love, care and amazement.

She would boast about her big grandson being in Med School and her Genius little grandbaby . She spoke with gleam about her beautiful granddaughter.